Testing Process for Robot Vacuum Cleaner

Testing process - Robot vacuum cleaner

Last updated: 09.07.2023 Reading time: 9 Min.

Choosing the right robot vacuum cleaner can be difficult with so many options.

But don't worry; we're here to guide you! 🔖

To help you compare different models, we've developed a standardised testing procedure.

This way, all robot vacuums are evaluated similarly, allowing you to make a fair and unbiased comparison.

Read on to find out how we test robot vacuum cleaners at Smart Home Fox. 👇🏻

Testing process of robot vacuum cleaner

What is our testing process like?

Here is a simpler version of how our testing process works:

Step 1: We find out which robot vacuum cleaners are the best and newest.

Step 2: We buy these vacuum cleaners ourselves.

Step 3: Then, we use and test these robot vacuum cleaners.

Step 4: After testing, we write detailed reports about our experience.

Step 5: We put these reports on our website for free for you to read. This way, you can learn more about the vacuum cleaner before you buy it.

Let's look at the aspects we consider when testing cordless vacuum cleaners. 👀

Testing design and build quality

We also check the quality of the robot vacuum's build and design. 🛠️

The device shouldn't only work well but also be well-built and easy for you to use.

Checking design of the robot vacuum cleaner

Checking the build quality of the robot vacuum cleaner

We look at things such as:

  • Can you easily reach the robot's various parts for cleaning or maintenance?
  • Is it easy to keep the machine in good shape?
  • Does the size or appearance of the robot fit your home?

We consider all these factors when we judge a robot vacuum cleaner's design and build quality.

Vacuuming test

The main task of a robot vacuum cleaner is to clean floors, isn't it? 🧹

To ensure a fair test, we have a special test zone with different floor types, such as carpet and laminate.

Testing area of the Smart Home Fox

Then we spread different forms of dirt on these floor surfaces.

Distributing cereal across testing area

Distributing dirt across testing area

Once we have set up the scene, it's the robot vacuum cleaner's turn to do its job. 🤖

After it completes its cleaning cycle, we measure how much dirt it picked up compared to what it left behind.

Robot vacuum cleaning the test area

Weighing results from the vacuuming test

We showcase our results in a simple table so they're easy to understand.

Robot vacuum cleaner vacuuming result

Robot vacuum cleaner result

Don't forget to look at our summary of all the robot vacuum cleaners we tested, including some of our favourites.

Mop test

Many of today's cleaning robots aren't just vacuum cleaners - they can mop your floors too! 💧🤖

That's why we put these mopping functions to the test as well.

We evaluate how well these robot vacuum cleaners mop floors in various scenarios, from rugged to everyday household conditions.

Let's take a look.

Our testing process spans several weeks so that you can get a comprehensive assessment.

Picking up hair

If you have people and pets in a home, it's guaranteed that you'll find hair on the floor. 💁‍♀️ 🐶

That's why we evaluate how well these little household helpers can handle picking up hair.

hair spread out on the test area to evaluate the hair picking efficiency of the robot vacuum.

We look not only at whether the vacuum picks up hair from the floor but also at how it handles the collected hair inside.

Using a knife to clean hair from the robot vacuum

We also observe how much effort it takes to clean the device after it's done.

Cleaning corners and wall edges

Places like the corners and edges of the walls often accumulate dust and dirt, so they must be cleaned frequently.

robot vacuum cleaning corners

robot vacuum cleaning wall edges

During our tests, we closely observe how well the robot vacuum cleaner cleans these tricky spots.

Navigation test

Checking how a robot vacuum cleaner finds its way is crucial to its cleaning effectiveness.

It's no good if a super powerful vacuum cleaner takes ages to find its way around your home or misses spots completely. 😣

So, here's what we look into:

  • We review the type of tech the vacuum uses to get around.
  • We look at how clear and user-friendly the map of your home is that the vacuum creates.
  • We evaluate if the robot vacuum cleaner moves quickly, accurately and without interruptions.
  • We test if the vacuum cleaner can find its way even when the lighting is dim.
  • We check how well it detects and avoids obstacles, whether they're low or high.

These tests ensure that the robot vacuum cleaner you choose can safely move around your home. 🏡

Let's look at our navigation test in action.

Testing climbing performance

Every house has doorsteps. 🏠

Some may be high, others low.

It's important that our little robot friend navigates through all areas of your home without trouble.

robot vacuum cleaner climbing an obstacle

That's why we carefully evaluate how well the robot vacuum can climb these steps in our testing process.

Testing volume

Our analysis also checks how much noise a robot vacuum cleaner makes.

On the positive side, many of the latest models allow you to adjust the strength of the suction power.

Testing noise level of a robot vacuum cleaner

This setting can change the noise level, which is excellent if you prefer a quiet environment. 🔊

Assessing the robot vacuum's battery life

We also check how long the battery of the robot vacuum cleaner lasts.

This is especially important if you have a large house because you'll need a cleaner with longer battery life to clean all areas properly. 🔋

Testing the mobile application

We thoroughly review the smartphone application that controls the robot vacuum cleaner.

This app is important because it tells your vacuum cleaner where to go. 📱

testing mobile application

The quality of these apps can differ a lot.

When we review these apps, we think about the following:

  • Does it have many features and settings?
  • Is it easy to use?
  • How does it look?
  • Are there any bugs or issues that could make it hard to use?

We include all these things in our review so you have all the necessary details. 👌

Evaluating vacuum in everyday situations

In our testing process, we don't only use extreme testing conditions.

We also check how these robot vacuums clean the floors in a real home.

Because at the end of the day, the most important thing is how well these vacuum cleaners can clean your home regularly.

mopping with the robot vacuum cleaner on an everyday basis

That's why we take the time to see how they vacuum and mop in actual homes.

This real-life performance is what really counts. 👌

Looking at value for money

Next, we check how much you get for your money with the robot vacuum cleaner.

Finally, we give our own advice on who the particular vacuum cleaner is best for.

We hope that this way, we can help you find the best vacuum cleaner for you and your health. 🎯

Why you can trust us

We go to great lengths to personally test each product and gain hands-on experience.

We're also very knowledgeable about smart home products and the ever-changing industry.

For every article we write, we spend many hours researching. 📚

We talk directly to product manufacturers, keep up to date with the latest smart home trends, and are constantly expanding our knowledge.

Plus, we have a global team of smart home experts who help keep our team trained and verify the accuracy of our information.

This means you can rely on the information we provide.


Robot vacuum cleaners are my passion. These little helpers make cleaning our homes so much easier. That's why it's my personal concern to recommend only the most outstanding products and the best tips and tricks to you. Then you can devote your valuable time to the finer things in life - and as a rule, floor cleaning is not one of them.

Why trust us?

> 150 products tested

3,528 hours of research

6 Smart Home Experts

Smart Home Fox is represented throughout Europe

> 1 million written words

> 5 million satisfied readers per year

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